FRANCESCA MARINELLI is almost 28 years old, and actually she lives in Florence, after attending the National Schol of Cinema in Torino. She always had a strong passion for drawin, colour and stories, working in the same time at illustrations, comics and animation comparing her works with other talents. Her graduation film "Mamma mia", it's about her childhood seen through her personal memory, exploring the importance of family ties and giving it a touch of surreality.
Nel 2007 consegue la
Laurea triennale in Pittura presso l'accademia di Belle Arti di
Genova. Successivamente si specializza in animazione 2D a Torino
frequentando il Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia dipartimento di
Animazione. Nel 2012 conclude il triennio realizzando il
cortometraggio "Mamma Mia" del quale realizza il capitolo
"Buon Sangue Non Mente". Attualmente vive e lavora
a Roma collaborando come freelance a diversi progetti di animazione e
MILENA TIPALDO was born in Annecy (FR)
the 26 September 1985 .
In 2007 she obtained a
Bachelor's degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa.
Later she specialized in 2D animation in Torino attending the
Experimental Center of Cinematography Department of Animation. In
2012, she concludes her third year making the short film "Mamma
Mia" in which she realized the chapter "Buon Sangue Non
Mente". She currently lives and
works in Rome working as a freelancer on various projects of
animation and video.
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